August 08, 2011

Health Tip of the Day

How do I safely switch to a different formula?
Before making the decision to switch, be sure to talk to your doctor. Parents often assume that formula plays a part in a baby's fussiness, gas, spitting up, or lack of appetite. But often that's not the case.

If giving the OK to switch formulas, your doctor will recommend a way to do it so that your baby's feedings and digestion aren't interrupted. The doctor may suggest mixing the two formulas together little by little, then eventually eliminating the original formula altogether.

(This was taken from an article off of

Here at the resale store and incentive boutique, baby formula is donated to us and we have the privilege of giving it away to customers and clients. Trang Freeman, staff member of New Beginnings, explained that switching formulas could be risky for your baby. Consulting a doctor first is crucial, but also understanding how a babies digestive system works is important in understanding why to take precaution.

These formula cans and baby food are FREE for those who need it. We also have formula coupons to give away. All we ask is that you only get the kind your baby uses to ensure your baby is safe and happy. Come by resale store and ask about our FREE formula.

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