August 11, 2011

Health Tip of the Day: Preventing Listeriosis

When you are pregnant, it is important to be cautious about what you eat. Listeria is a type of bacteria that can be found in contaminated foods. Listeria can cause the serious infection Listeriosis which can cause miscarriage, premature births, or infections in a newborn. In order to prevent Listeriosis, pregnant women should avoid foods that are often contaminated with listeria.  Listeria can be found in uncooked meats including meats such as hot dogs and deli meats, uncooked vegetables, and unpasteurized milk.

How to Avoid Listeria

Avoid soft cheeses such as Brie, Camembert, blue-veined cheeses, Greek-style feta cheese and soft Mexican-style cheeses such as queso blanco, queso fresco and Panela. These are only safe if the label says they are made using pasteurized milk. Do not drink unpasteurized milk. Instead, try cheeses such as cheddar, mozzarella, and processed cheese slices and spreads such as cream cheese and cottage cheese.

Be careful when eating hot dogs, lunch meat, or deli meat. They need to be reheated to at least 160 degrees before eating. Do not eat deli meat at a restaurant because they do not reheat them. Subway recommends non-lunch meat sandwiches such as meatball, steak and cheese, roasted chicken, and tuna.

Do not eat refrigerated pates or meat spreads.

Practice safe food handling:
  • Wash all fruits and vegetables
  • Keep everything clean including your hands and preparation surfaces
  • Keep your refrigerator thermometer at 40 degrees or below
  • Clean your refrigerator often
  • Avoid cross contamination between raw and uncooked foods (this includes hot dog juices)
  • Cook foods at proper temperatures (use food thermometers) and reheat all foods until they are steaming hot (or 160 F)

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